================================ Setup Instructions For Marble Framework v1.0============================== File/Folder Structure: When using Marble as a part of Corelib you must be sure to include your submodules as additional include directories in your project properties. Project Properties->C/C++->General->Additional Include Directories: $(Subs);. The Marble.horig file should be copied to the solution Shared directory (as Marble.h). Marble.h and Corelib.lib should be included in any project where you intend to obfuscate strings/data. Pre-Build Event: CALL "$(Subs)Corelib\CoreLib_Utils\Marble\Mender.exe" "$(SolutionDir)\" CALL "$(Subs)Corelib\CoreLib_Utils\Marble\Mibster.exe" "$(SolutionDir)\" "$(SolutionDir)Shared\\" "$(Bin)$(Configuration)\$(Platform)\\" The argument list for the pre-build events are: Mender - Path to solution Mibster - Path to solution or project directory - Path to directory containing Marble.h - Path to directory where receipt file will be placed Post-Build Event: Mender: CALL "$(Subs)Corelib\CoreLib_Utils\Marble\Mender.exe" "$(SolutionDir)\" The args for the Mender: - Path to Solution/Project directory to "mend" or repair Validator: CALL "$(Subs)Corelib\CoreLib_Utils\Marble\Validator.exe" "$(Bin)$(Configuration)\$(Platform)\MarbleReceipt.xml" "$(Bin)$(Configuration)\$(Platform)\$(ProjectName)$(TargetExt)" The args for the Validator: - Path to the MarbleReceipt.xml file generated by the Mibster (Pre-Build) - Path to the generated binary