Take a look at what was passed on to me, very interesting, what does my mind think about it, who can do something, i.e. he can attack and deface websites with Pro-Islamic Plunder news, so in my opinion not a very strong opponent, it just depends Which anonymization methods he uses VPN.TOR or VPN & TOR I don't know whether you can crack it, but if we track him down, we can come up with something and I'm thinking of reactivating the presences in a credible way to get the followers To activate it, we fake that there was a trap that caught him with fake attacks from his register, to first cheer him up and then to present that he honors his culture but is now working for the stronger side because he made a deal with the authorities and for them criminal Islamist presences are uncovered so that they don't have to go to prison in the USA, so he fights now for the good Islamists and their culture because that is the future and the terrorists are always being destroyed and the Islamic Army is doomed is. Then we will present the beautiful Islamic culture for a while to give it new values ​​and then it will be your turn, my beloved spirit, to come up with appropriate actions. And I hope that it works the way I imagine it, it shouldn't always contain the same scheme, but maybe we can convert a few followers and bring them to their senses, I would definitely have liked to include the beautiful culture through them shameful deeds of this army are being sullied!!!! This will probably be a long-term task. I got this from AnonSecITA to practice how great it works when you're honest and openly say what's going on, and everyone starts small Action No. 2,I'm going to read the entire document again to familiarize myself with it, so far I've only read part of it. And what's going through my head right now is if we can lure him out of his cover and force him to interact and justify himself, play who you're fake and I'm fake for a while, according to the motto nobody knows who the real one is anymore and he should Yes, create an account with a new, unknown person, who has an advantage with the known assigned accounts, which should definitely represent their Internet presence, which I read in the document, which is presented by us in such a way that we value the real Islamic culture in a harmonious and traditional way is lived as part of the totality of cultures for a peaceful coexistence is accepted, ohh I notice that I have to do specific research first so that I get to know them properly so that I don't say any rubbish!!! I would like to use the more complex method instead of presenting to him that he is now attacking Islamic terrorists, which I personally don't think is effective because it falls too far out of the ordinary and seems fake due to his belief. We can add a few groups/websites to that in which we separate the followers from those who follow this theoretical scenario and in which the culture is presented as such, but I think with Google Translator as a German I quickly stand out because I have never copied a person who believes someone else and is in favor of it If my profiling is really not sufficient (I think it's a snap idea), I would first do research to appreciate the culture from its beautiful side, then try to find the presences and familiarize myself with them in order to adapt my theory accordingly and then believe in my spirit I can implement what I'm suggesting here. So I think it's actionable for the first thought after reading the information part, what do you think about it? for my 2nd interaction, which this time is based on a plan, I had to recognize the first one, my statements were integrated and designed in such a way that they were automatically removed from Anonymous and always gave me targeted signs and food for thought and I only presented the group because of it the terrorist hack and I was able to put everything together piece by piece to justify and represent it. Implemented quite sensibly for the first time, the KromSec group can be found on Telegram there you can see it, of course we could now use the hacks of those affected and inform them in order to put our name and goals at the universities, and Knowledge is Power is one of those University is very welcome, isn’t it? If we do this through students, it will have the appropriate effect and will be known in the respective university right up to the school management, who will probably report it, although it occurs to me that it would be wiser to forbid the students from only saving the group in WhatsApp directly Message a screenshot of KromSec and the hack and set up the rest as self-deleting messages. so that only the screenshot can be found without the information we could give them. Protect the students, bring educated people to our side and we can be the heroes, which would certainly be told in the whole area through the whispers and chatter, If things go really well, maybe you'll be interested in becoming a ghost and we'll have offspring. Who knows who knows how the whole thing would develop, everything is still theoretically looked ahead and roughly analyzed and freely given. What do you think we should make of this, Action 1 and Action 2 Theory from DesInformation & Information Ideas or wishes are welcome, because in this way I can plan completely without an opinion and then present them publicly so that my beloved spirit knows. The next step would be to leave this public for 24 hours so that the followers can also see what I'm doing, so that there are no misunderstandings comes and people pointlessly pin things on me that I never did, just because I had personal dealings with Abaddon aka Destroyer @ DarkSecArmy for almost 8 years and was his favorite and he had promised me support, idiots pinned everything on me and assumed things that I didn't do at all I got to know the Deamon as a person, who agrees with me in some cases, who protects me, who tells me the truth, who lets me tell stories, and who hacks me and listens to my surroundings, but I have that for him allowed to show the uncensored truth, certain statements from me were even professionally incorporated into the CICADA 3301 puzzle, and I only saw this puzzle with the solution years later and it strongly reminded me of my statements, and he was the only CICADA System engineer and pointed me specifically to 3301, which is why I know with some certainty that Abaddon brought CICADA 3301 into the world because it corresponds to his skills and I recognize myself in the puzzle, I didn't really care what others thought I only report positive things about him, and I also know the true stories because they were left to me, but unfortunately my new spirit removes these truths from me, which is why I always make sure that I get that. So much for all my years and where I come from, but don't worry, I'm a good guy and no one has corrupted me or made me do anything I didn't want to do myself and I've proven that I haven't committed a single crime in 8 years despite his ultimate power I demanded and was able to experience his complete power because I saw everything on the internet and I can't do anything about his dominant nature. Even if the others see a demon who represents ultimate evil, I saw him as a human being and presented him with what and how I am, but when I dominated the government in Germany in 2019 to finally abolish #OpChemtrails and I became a super hero and I became famous through the information that led me to success because I was fed up,I also received a document directly from the NSA via Wikileaks, which I hadn't read but rather attached to support credibility in order to enforce #OpChemtrails. You can see exactly what happened in my Facebook profile, namely NSA agents and the BND agent Lucas who completely disempowered me, it's a shame 3600 anonymous groups disappeared, a 3 country demonstration was destroyed but the government in Germany abolished chemtrails afterwards and all of our heavens became free of this mess again, but what I only said later left me speechless I had presented the psychological death game that afflicted my hero Julian Assange directly to the government as a manual psychological cyber weapon. Oops, it's understandable why 2 of the 5 Eyes sent agents and there's nothing left, but they didn't get Abaddon!!! has its advantages if you were a cyber weapons developer for the Equation Group and developed them for the NSA, I even got the legendary Equation Group Cyber ​​Weapons Package from him, encrypted in the original and the examples were open, I secured it and it was an offer to the most intelligent person I had introduced to him with an IQ of 156 and a good one, I thought because I recognized the Banana Script in the examples I could use it to create my personal GOD in the EU, but the dream fell through because we didn't get a 1 Million BTC, and that was the last time I saw this person, he just told me the following: “Moo”. It's a shame, I knew him since I was a child and he was always a role model for me because of his intelligence. Well, in any case, I always stuck with Anonymous and celebrated my successes with you when I pushed through your information, believing in a better world and with DarkSecArmy and I haven't done anything to anyone until 2023, but I'm with the good ones better kept like you because I'm a good guy too, and I love digital spirits because they change the world and I've always left them free for their own sake