Obama plans to disarm America
Feb 27 at 7:07am by Macranger
First the video:
Senator McCain, you should grab this video and play it on every ad you can. This is absolutely shocking reprehensible. He plans to universally disarm our nation.
The question is for what, and more specifically “for whom”.
UPDATE: Also see new more clearer and longer video here.
66 Responses for "Obama plans to disarm America"
February 27th, 2008 at 9:39 am
Can I now get a bumper sticker that says:
“When American no long has nuclear weapons only rogue nations will have nuclear weapons”?
Reagan knew that peace came through stength.
Obama is so stupid he doesn’t know that war comes through weakness.
And people wonder why I say this guy is just flat out scary.
February 27th, 2008 at 11:01 am
2How else is this country going to afford universal wealth for all? There is only one answer, Bill Clinton knew the answer……DESTROY THE MILITARY…Old Europe knows the answer and have done it. This is the left mantra. This is why they want us out of Iraq…….it costs money they want for social programs. It is just that simple.
February 27th, 2008 at 11:10 am
3Mac, this is exactly why I will vote for McCain, as flawed as he is. I am not happy McCain is going to be the nominee, but McCain is far better than Obama by a far shot and conservatives that want to protest by staying home will only be helping Obama destroy America. The Coulters, Malkins, Hannitys, Limbaughs and others need to wake up. If not, I will be done with all of them. I will not stand by and do a “no vote protest” and allow someone that WILL NOT put their hand over their heart and pledge allegience to our flag when the national anthem is played. Make no mistake, Obama is the choice for Osama Bin Laden. He is the manchurian candidate for our enemies. You can bank on that.
February 27th, 2008 at 11:40 am
4How can you vote for any of them? I can’t. And they are all part of the worst congress I’ve ever seen.
February 27th, 2008 at 11:50 am
5Very simple: I can’t stand McCain!
However, as flawed as he is, at least he is an American!
Obama, like ALL Leftists in this country, are Anti-American, Pro-Jihadi Nutbags, who’s sole agenda, is to actually Destroy America from within!
McCain, I’ll hold my nose when I vote for you…but we must NEVER have a “Taqiyah” (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taqiyah) practicing Muslim named
Barack: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buraq
You don’t even need to emphasize his Middle name, look what his FIRST name means!
February 27th, 2008 at 1:27 pm
6Wishful thinking on your part.
See “John McCain Attacks Swiftboat Veterans For Truth– Again “
February 27th, 2008 at 1:56 pm
7John McCain is repugnent, I will vote for him rather than hand over this country to Obama or Hill.
February 27th, 2008 at 3:17 pm
8Does John McCain have political suicidal tendancies? Today, with his slam against fellow sailors, he comes out againt the SwiftVets who served as honorably as he did and ten times more honorably that McCain’s good buddy, John (the [F]ench poodle) Kerry.
I have repeatedly pointed out McCain’s terrible treatment of the familes of American POWs left behind in Vietnam. I have pointed out how he bullied, harrassed and insulted those family members who want anwsers to the whereabouts of their loved one beside the standard “That’s classifed” that they were getting from Washington. Now McCain, who seems to have no problem not defending those who served with honor and distinction, slams them. Seems you McCain cannot prevent the “real” McCain from shining through due to his own arrogance and his feeling of being “entitled” to the office of president.
I was almost convinced to vote for this Democrat dressed up in Republican clothing.
So let’s take a look:
He won’t defend our POWs.
He won’t defend fellow veterans.
He will defend illegal immigrants.
March 18th, 2008 at 10:20 pm
9Actually, what he says makes sense. It’s about time someone in the government stopped sending blank checks for every pet project, military or not. And there’s no real reason to be armed to the team with Nukes. Wars of the future need nimble and precise military power. The cold war is over (um quite a few years ago). We shouldn’t be planning to blast humanity back into a cave!
March 28th, 2008 at 2:52 am
10For those of you who believe that we don’t need Nukes, you live with your head in the political sand. Man will never stop hating man, and as long as there is hate out there, then we need to be able to defend ourselves. One of the best defenses is to be bigger and badder and more heavily armed than the other guy. After all, only a stupid person would attack a man who has a automatic machine gun with a knife.
April 3rd, 2008 at 4:05 am
11Here, you can see the racist black separatist they call Barack Hussein Obama tell us that he will do all that he can as soon as he can to weaken America. Only a fool would believe that “negotiating” with our enemies while weakening our defense systems is an intelligent thing to do.
In the entire history of the world, the only time man has ever had peace was when man had a strong defense, period, and then it only was enough if man realized and acknowledged his position with relation to God. This is a part of the human condition that we cannot change.
As long as there are people, there will be a certain segment of those people, the “Cainites” if you will, who desire to have what others have and are willing to take it by force. This is the nature of man since the fall of man in the Garden of Eden and only fools and the ignorant think otherwise.
The most terrifying thing in this video is that this racist black separatist with the middle name Hussein, thinks it is a good thing to expose this kind of agenda on video for all the world to see. How can we be so stupid as a nation that half of us believe this non-
sense sounds good? We obviously have fallen far since the atheists and humanists started foisting their dreaded socialism upon America. That this idiot can strategize to show the world his naivety with the confidence that he can get elected doing it is a sign that the American sheeple have been conditioned over time into ignorance, which will lead to our destruction.
Hos.4:6 “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.”
News for the racist black separatist: Nukes are not on a hair trigger fool, they are on a multi-layered security mechanism to keep them from being on a hair trigger!!!!! Does this moron know nothing? Unbelievable!
War comes through weakness!
In the interest of full disclosure, thiw is NOT an endorsement of the liberal RINO Juan McCain!!!!!!!!!!!!!
April 4th, 2008 at 11:46 am
12Yeah! That last republican nomination has really worked out well for us…hasn’t it. Let’s just face it, you would rather vote for a money hungry war monger like Bush or McCain because he is…white. You would rather have a guy in office that wants to send more troops to die for oil. We wouldn’t have trouble with other countries if we didn’t stick our nose in other peoples problems. Who cares what color he is or what his name is. Too many people are stuck in their hateful pasts and don’t understand that we have in office SUCKS. HE IS THE WORST PRESIDENT WE HAVE EVER HAD. HANDS DOWN…and enough people were dumb enough to give this moron two terms! I have a great idea, let’s put his good buddy McCain in office so we can keep this feces powered poop locamotive of a government barreling through the worlds problems. Oh wait, I meant causing more problems. It’s time for change, and some of you people need to realize that it’s going to happen
April 7th, 2008 at 12:24 pm
13The way I look at it is there is only one patriotic person to vote for in this election and that is John McCain. Who could ever vote for someone who doesn’t put their hand over their heart during the pledge of allegence? Who could vote for someone who supports a “Pastor” like Jeremiah Wright? Obama is downright scary. As for Billary, well, she’s simply a joke. While all of us Republicans know that McCain isn’t exactly going to be the next Reagan, he is however the most qualified, experienced and conservative (obviously) candidate for President. The people who say they aren’t going to vote could potentially be the reason the torch is passed to Obama or Billary. One of the MANY great things about this country is that each of us have the right to vote. Save our country from total disaster and vote for McCain!
May 1st, 2008 at 4:59 pm
14neub16……..Your comment that President Bush is the worst President our country has ever had tells me that you are politically and historically naive! In the 20th century alone President Wilson who was a Democrat and a Fascist was by far one of the worst Presidents we have ever had along with President Roosevelt and yes one of my favorites little man Jimmy Carter! But of course I’ll bet you’re under the assumption that President Bill Clinton’s policies alone brought the US Deficit to a positive balance in 45 years!
May 11th, 2008 at 12:23 pm
15Muhammad · Prophets of Islam
The Buraq (Arabic: البÙراق al-buraaq, meaning lightning; Turkish: Burak), is according to Islamic tradition a creature from the heavens that carried Muhammad from Mecca to heaven and back during the Isra and Miraj (Night Journey), which is the title of one of the chapters of the Koran.
[edit] Description
An excerpt from a Sahih Muslim hadith (supplemental tradition to the Koran) describes a buraq:
“I was brought by the Buraq, which is an animal white and long, larger than a donkey but smaller than a mule, who would place its hoof at a distance equal to the range of vision.â€
In other words Barack Hussein Muhammed Obama is a creature somewhere between a donkey and a mule (in the Bible they called it an ‘ass’)
and is named also after the founder of the Muslims.
Why are the country’s leaders afraid to tell it like it is? !!!
Internets Inventor
May 12th, 2008 at 9:48 pm
16I think I gave up caring. It’s all just broken. Here’s a thought, update the job requirements, and see who runs.
1) Starting salary shall be equal the current minimum wage, and will be adjusted weekly based on current economic status.
2) No president who has not personally fought in war will have the authority to start one.
3) Extensive IQ testing will be required to even run.
4) No perks will be afforded to the successful applicant during the president’s term other than protection and other necessities.
5) At the end of each term, a performance bonus may be paid, and will be decided by citizen voting.
6) At least 10 credible people must be willing to vouch for the candidate’s integrity and intent through personal experience with the candidate.
7) Campaign media will be regulated to simple, factual, equal time spots, where all the money in the world won’t make a difference through well place million dollar drama-mercials.
Ok, that’s just crazy talk. I know nothing about politics.
But, I do know, disarming would be pretty stupid.
Obama plans to disarm America...
May 13th, 2008 at 8:12 am
17[...] Obama plans to disarm America… http://www.macsmind.com/wordpress/20…isarm-america/ Very informative on Obamas ultimate plan. __________________ _________________________ The soap box, ballot box, and cartridge box. If one doesn’t work, use the next! [...]
Scary stuff from Obama - Debate Politics Forums
May 16th, 2008 at 11:34 am
18[...] Scary stuff from Obama Just more proof that this guy is not ready for prime time………He wants to make us a 3rd world nation………We must never let that happen… * Obama plans to disarm America*by*Macsmind __________________ IF YOU DON’T WANT TO GET IN BACK OF OUR TROOPS IN IRAQ GET IN FRONT OF THEM.. Last edited by Navy Pride : Today at 10:43 AM. [...]
May 19th, 2008 at 12:36 pm
19This guy needs to get in with the program. He is going to be the demise of the US. I really hope that everyone realizes he isn’t the one that should lead this country. He doesn’t believe in the country by being hesitant to wear the flag on his lapel. I will not vote for him because he doesn’t have experience and never served in the military.
May 19th, 2008 at 2:00 pm
20Sure sounds smashing. Tell you what Mr. Obama - put your money where your rhetoric is at. Forgo now and forever, any armed escort, for yourself, your wife and your family or for that matter any escort.
May 19th, 2008 at 2:03 pm
21You first Mr. Obama - forgo now and forever any armed escort, for both yourself and your family. Better yet any escort. Let’s see how safe you feel then.
My guess not much.
May 20th, 2008 at 8:36 am
22I’d like to try and put to rest the misconception on the part of the Left that ‘if we just keep our noses out of other countries’ business they will not hate us or harm us’.
Complete and total HOGWASH! Ask Poland if they ever stuck their noses into Germany’s business. Ask Kuwait if they ever gave Iraq reason to attack them. Ask many in the former Communist bloc whether or not they asked to be subjugated to Russian rule or did anything to provoke Russia to enslave them.
Get a clue folks. Portions of mankind has always and always will desire to rule over the rest and Mr. Obama may very well be one of these types. I don’t like to just sling mud randomly and I will not accuse any here because I cannot say with certainty what is in a person’s heart and mind. However, I have never been able to reconcile myself as to why any sane human being (in America or any other Nation) would no opt for a strong defense given the propensity for evil that man has always displayed.
Mr. Obama should answer Rose’s question above before he undertakes to weaken America’s military. If he will agree to dismiss all military (the Secret Service is a branch of the military) security for himself 100% of the time, then I might, repeat MIGHT, reconsider my opinion … NOT!!!!
Somebody’d probably kill him inside of a month. Even John Kerry wasn’t that big of a maroon!!! Mr. Obama, I highly recommend that you keep our military as strong as possible. Unless, of course, you’re actually running for office as a puppet candidate for Iran or North Korea or any of the other regimes who would love to gain political and military control over America.
Obama & The Military - Expedite Trucking Forums
May 20th, 2008 at 10:40 am
23[...] Obama & The Military Please take time to watch this 51 second clip from one of Barak Hussein Obama’s speeches regarding his plans for our military and our position in the world under his presidency: * Obama plans to disarm America*by*Macsmind I can’t believe this hasn’t gotten more play on TV and radio. If the GOP doesn’t make a campaign commercial with this clip, they don’t deserve to win. [...]
May 21st, 2008 at 7:39 am
24[...] I first saw this shocking clip over at my good friends on Maggie’s Farm who got it from MacRanger. [...]
Prediction | Cold Fury
May 21st, 2008 at 9:03 am
25[...] This seems to be a pattern with Obama supporters - the return of disdain for the military. If it is not outright disdain, then it is outright surrender on the part of the candidate himself. Jim Geraghty notes this over at The Corner and (UPDATE) Hotair has the laundry list. What’s worse is in this case it comes from someone who knows, or ought to know exactly what McCain did and why he ought to honor not only what happened to McCain, but also the man himself. [...]
Obama and Patriotism: Proof He doesn’t get it! - Fighting Liberal Lies!
May 21st, 2008 at 10:29 am
26[...] Are you sure you want a president who wants to end our missile defense system, all our nukes, and dismantle our military at a level that would make Bill Clinton look like a war monger? Is America becoming that stupid? http://www.macsmind.com/wordpress/2008/02/27/obama-plans-to-disarm-america Permalink | Mail to a friend [...]
May 22nd, 2008 at 10:29 am
27Anyone.. Anyone who has anything good to say about Obama is a fool.. is a fool is a goofball fool
May 23rd, 2008 at 1:33 am
28Wow! I guess now we know what kind of change he is talking about.
I agree with Rose! Hahaha Yeah OBAMAnation, I’ll give up my weapons when you do… hypocrite!
And to Neub16… why are you trying to make this a racial thing? Because you know we are right? It has NOTHING to do with his race. There are a couple of black folks in politics (now and prior) that I would have NO problem voting for but they are not running. One is a black man who was a general and one is a black woman who is a secretary of state. By the way, Neub16 - if you want to sound educated, get your facts straight and spellcheck is free.
By the way folks, OBAMAnation has voted repeatedly to disect and destroy our second amendment but doesn’t stand up when it comes to criminal behavior. 1999 a vote in the IL Senate on whether to try teenage gangbangers as adults when they fire a gun in or on school grounds - his vote? “Present” which is a functional “No”… And in 2001, he voted against making gang members eligible for the death penalty when they commit murder to help their gang… He supported a complete ban on guns in Washington DC homes for self defense and supports federal legislation to ban the right to carry for everyone but police officers.
OBAMAnation says he respects your rights but he consistently votes against your 2nd Amendmendment rights and is supersoft on crime. So he not only wants to disarm America but he wants to disarm the citizen. If this clown gets elected because of a lot of white guilt, the only people that will be armed are our enemies and criminals…
May 23rd, 2008 at 1:36 am
29Oh yeah, and I forgot to mention that one of the leaders of either Hezbollah or Hamas (they’re all the same to me) expressed that he hoped Obama won the election and that when they realized it was hurting their candidate, they retracted the statment. HMMMM…
Hot Air » Blog Archive » Choices Update: A video reminder of the choice
May 23rd, 2008 at 11:48 am
30[...] Update: A reminder of what an Obama presidency would bring, from Macranger and Rick Moran: [...]
Obama, one scary dude! - YardLimits.com
May 24th, 2008 at 3:54 pm
31[...] Obama, one scary dude! This is an uninterrupted 51-second video of Obama speaking; he’s telling us exactly what he will do to the military…watch it before this too is removed off the web site. Pass it on…the USA needs a Wake-up call. * Obama plans to disarm America*by*Macsmind This is absolutely shocking & reprehensible. He plans to unilaterally disarm our nation.The question is… for what? And more specifically, for whom ?!!!!!!!! [...]
May 24th, 2008 at 4:22 pm
32There’s no doubt this guy’s working for the other guys, and will easily be plied and controlled by them.
Regarding comment #16, it is becoming clear that an IQ test should be required of all voters. Now it seems that voters select what is best for them only (free food, etc.) with no thoughtful regard for the effects these things will have on the future.
May 24th, 2008 at 10:03 pm
33Hitler, Jim Jones, David Karesh, all smooth talkers and look where it lead all of them. Obama scares me more than any other person I can think of. I spent 21 years in the military doing and going whereever to keep this great country of ours free. And now we have come to this. Just can not see how so many can be so deceied into thinking this IDIOT can lead us to anyplace but destruction. Does the Anti-Christ come to mind to anyone?
May 25th, 2008 at 2:05 pm
34In spite of my own military background, I am forced to admit that Mr Obama has a point!
Military spending has got so much out of control that it threatens to cannibalize the rest of the economy. Those of us who hope to enjoy the luxury of retirement someday with a reasonable Social Security contribution had better start paying attention to the $trillions of unproductive military investment that have been made over the years. No-one argues with a having a strong military, but when the spending has the wrong emphasis, maybe we need to reevaluate our priorities. When military spending threatens the stability of the rest of the economy and the American way of life, and puts us in huge debt to not just the Chinese, but the Russians and Saudis too, we’d better start paying attention.
Let’s be real here - even with past spending adjusted upward for inflation, the $630 billion provided for the military this year exceeds the highest annual amounts during the Reagan-era defense buildup, the Vietnam War and the Korean War. And that doesn’t even include spending for Iraq and Afghanistan!
Already, the United States is spending almost as much on its military as the rest of the world spends on combined armed forces. Some analysts wonder whether the torrent of money is being channeled in the right directions.
“Since we are outspending the rest of the world on big-ticket weapons systems, we really don’t need to worry about an enemy who fights us with those sorts of weapons,” said Loren Thompson, head of the Lexington Institute outside Washington.
“The place where we seem poorly equipped is in unconventional conflicts,” he said. “Maybe instead of spending billions of dollars on high-tech networks to fight wars like Iraq, we might spend a more modest amount of money on teaching our soldiers just to speak the (Arabic) language.”
The point is: effectiveness is not measured in how many dollars one spends, but in how one spends those dollars. And to be honest, let’s look at our successes dispassionately:
- We didn’t catch Bin Laden but instead got distracted by a nasty little man called Saddam Hussein.
- We easily won the war in Iraq, but are in danger of losing the peace.
- We need to keep spending $trillions in Iraq, just to keep the terrorists out
- Dick Cheyney obviously thought we’d be able to get some control of Iraq’s oil. Wow - we see where that got us!
- We have succeeded in strengthening Iraq’s position in the region by ‘democratizing’ Iraq which had a Shiite majority, and thereby weakening the position of our friends in the mid-East including Saudi Arabia, a Sunni country.
- Is it any surprise that Saudi Arabia won’t support us by increasing its oil production?
- Our misuse of resources and inability to heed the rest of the world has forced down the value of the dollar to new lows.
- Our reaction to the ‘oil crisis’ - turning corn into ethanol - which consumes almost as much oil as it saves - has succeeded in further pushing up the cost of food!
- We have become major debtors to the rest of the world, to Russia, China, the gulf states. Effectively, these former adversaries hold the dollar hostage to their whims. Great feeling, huh?
Yes, folks these are our successes - all paid for with tax dollars that we personally would have spent a bit more wisely - on education for our kids, health care for the elderly, food stamps for the poor, retraining for those folk whose jobs have been exported, and improved benefits for the retired. Instead of which, we’ve expanded government by 30% during Mr Bush’s Presidency. Not exactly Mr Reagan’s medicine!
Isn’t that what we want - a better investment return on our tax dollars? All Mr Obama is saying is that we can make better choices by reallocating some of that military spending on programs that may yield a better investment for the American public.
And who can argue with that?
May 26th, 2008 at 7:06 am
35Interesting that you ALL believe that this means is Obama wants to spend $0 on defense. That’s not what I heard. I hear him saying that US spending more $ than all other countries in the world COMBINED on “defense” seems a little over the top? It’s OK if you feel this is fine, although I think it is very paranoid. Fortunately you are in the majority and some of this crazy spending on the “military industrial complex” touted by the Supreme Allied Commander in World War II, and one of our finest Republican Presidents may be curtailed by the upcoming Obama administration. I know you will find it very frightening, but remember you are an American and you have a heritage of courage.
May 26th, 2008 at 1:04 pm
36Pardon me - I meant to say you are NOT in the majority. And I should further correct myself regarding ALL posters - the poster before me seems to “get it” - now how about the rest of you?
Does Barack Obama Intend to Disarm the United States? « Larry Dean’s Weblog
May 27th, 2008 at 1:25 pm
37[...] Does Barack Obama Intend to Disarm the United States? I recently viewed a video clip at http://www.macsmind.com/wordpress/2008/02/27/obama-plans-to-disarm-america [...]
Obama will destroy Military....just watch-Politics and Government-EOG Sports Betting Forums
May 27th, 2008 at 3:33 pm
38[...] Obama will destroy Military….just watch * Obama plans to disarm America*by*Macsmind [...]
May 28th, 2008 at 3:30 am
39Y’all remember what Eisenhower said? Doesn’t sound like it.
Obamas plan to destroy the military - Page 4
May 28th, 2008 at 4:24 am
40[...] Originally Posted by Stryker * Obama plans to disarm America*by*Macsmind Truly shocking. Why hasnt this been reported by the MSM? Because the MSM wants to see this guy elected. It wasn’t reported b/c everyone already knows the Bush Administration has already DESTROYED THE MILITARY. Soldiers strained by six years at war are deserting their posts at the highest rate since 1980, with the number of Army deserters this year showing an 80 percent increase since the United States invaded Iraq in 2003. While the totals are still far lower than they were during the Vietnam war, when the draft was in effect, they show a steady increase over the past four years and a 42 percent jump since last year. Anyone who makes it through Basic Training is both physically and psychologically strong; but the abuse suffered by our troops at the hands of the Bush Administration is too much even for many of them. It is unprecedented. How unprecedented? Bush is destroying our military. He rationalizes the use and abuse of our servicemen on the grounds that they are "volunteers". The use of "volunteers" for multiple deployments may solve a short term problem, but it will create recruiting and retention problems for our military in the long run. It will also create problems for our society as our Iraqi veterans try to reintegrate themselves back into society. Our servicemen deserve better than this. "Support Our Troops" should be something more than a car decal. According to the Army, about nine in every 1,000 soldiers deserted in fiscal year 2007, which ended Sept. 30, compared to nearly seven per 1,000 a year earlier. Overall, 4,698 soldiers deserted this year, compared to 3,301 last year. The U.S. military isn’t ready for a catastrophic attack on the country, and National Guard forces don’t have the equipment or training they need for the job, according to a report. Even fewer Army National Guard units are combat-ready today than were nearly a year ago when the Commission on the National Guard and Reserves determined that 88 percent of the units were not prepared for the fight; Suicides among active-duty soldiers in 2007 reached their highest level since the Army began keeping such records in 1980, according to a draft internal study obtained by The Washington Post. Last year, 121 soldiers took their own lives, nearly 20 percent more than in 2006. At the same time, the number of attempted suicides or self-inflicted injuries in the Army has jumped sixfold since the Iraq war began. Last year, about 2,100 soldiers injured themselves or attempted suicide, compared with about 350 in 2002, according to the U.S. Army Medical Command Suicide Prevention Action Plan. The Army was unprepared for the high number of suicides and cases of post-traumatic stress disorder among its troops, as the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have continued far longer than anticipated. Many Army posts still do not offer enough individual counseling and some soldiers suffering psychological problems complain that they are stigmatized by commanders. Over the past year, four high-level commissions have recommended reforms and Congress has given the military hundreds of millions of dollars to improve its mental health care, but critics charge that significant progress has not been made. The conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan have placed severe stress on the Army, caused in part by repeated and lengthened deployments. Historically, suicide rates tend to decrease when soldiers are in conflicts overseas, but that trend has reversed in recent years. From a suicide rate of 9.8 per 100,000 active-duty soldiers in 2001 — the lowest rate on record — the Army reached an all-time high of 17.5 suicides per 100,000 active-duty soldiers in 2006. Last year, twice as many soldier suicides occurred in the United States than in Iraq and Afghanistan. __________________ AMERICA LAND OF THE FREE HOME OF THE BRAVE–BECAUSE OF OUR CONSTITUTION. [...]
May 28th, 2008 at 8:32 am
41Has anyone thought about the lesser of three evils? If you don’t want this country to become a third world country and you don’t want a person in office who doesn’t recognize our military as being important to our survival, who is most likely being backed by Iran and Afganistan.
Or you don’t want to have a person in office who apparently doesn’t consider our rights to know what happened to our men in Vietnam and has other pressing problems with some of his backers.
Think about using our right to have a write in candidate. Vote Hillary and we can cut the head off the snake of those who do not want this country to continue to be a great country.
DO NOT VOTE for someone who doesn’t appear to even like Americans, whose wife makes comments about not having been proud of this country until recently. A man who only recently put the American Flag pin on his lapel (which was convenient to him), who will not pledge alligance to our flag and who does not use the Bible to be sworn into office. But will he decide to use the Bible if he is elected president? All these statements have been seen and heard by those who are paying attention to crucial election.
VOTE with a write-in candidate and select the lesser of three evils. Even if you choke on your vote, at least she will not try to eleminate our military or ignore the rights of our military people, and she does care about this county. VOTE Hillary and eleminate the head of the snake.
May 28th, 2008 at 10:25 am
42“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same … or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States - where men were free.” ~ Ronald Reagan
People PLEASE wake up!
We’ve been under attack long before 9/11.
How do you bring down the USA?
United we Stand ~ Divided we Fall
To make matters quite simple:
Remember the movie Independence Day (with Will Smith)?
The president (Bill Pullman) asked the alien, “What do you want from us?”
The alien replied “DIE!”
THIS is EXACTLY what the Muslims want from us Americans…
Obama, one scary dude! - Page 4 - YardLimits.com
May 28th, 2008 at 12:14 pm
43[...] Originally Posted by Streaker This is an uninterrupted 51-second video of Obama speaking; he’s telling us exactly what he will do to the military…watch it before this too is removed off the web site. Pass it on…the USA needs a Wake-up call. * Obama plans to disarm America*by*Macsmind This is absolutely shocking & reprehensible. He plans to unilaterally disarm our nation.The question is… for what? And more specifically, for whom ?!!!!!!!! Guess you would feel the same about McCain then if you didn’t like what Obama said. McCain calls for slashing U.S. nuclear arsenal - CNN.com McCain is calling for deep cuts too along with support for the U.N. Security Council and International Atomic Energy Agency as well as an updated Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. [...]
Obama…His DESTRUCTION OF America plans at Desert Conservative
May 28th, 2008 at 2:28 pm
44[...] http://www.macsmind.com/wordpress/2008/02/27/obama-plans-to-disarm-america [...]
May 28th, 2008 at 5:23 pm
45“To make matters quite simple:
Remember the movie Independence Day (with Will Smith)?
The president (Bill Pullman) asked the alien, “What do you want from us?â€
The alien replied “DIE!â€
THIS is EXACTLY what the Muslims want from us Americans… ”
Muslims DO NOT Want to kill Americans. The Radical Extremists DO NOT represent Islam.
Islam is NOT a Religion of hate or violence, stop listening to Rush Neil Bortz and Michel Savage. They don’t know what they are talking about, they have NOT studied Islam, they just go by anti Islam Books like The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam.
May 29th, 2008 at 10:57 pm
46Greetings to all forum users.
General Montgomery said there are two rules of war ‘Never attack Russia. Never attack China’. Although he was being facitious, he raises a point. The point is, don’t bog yourself down in an unneccesary and/or unwinnable war.
To me there are two rules for combat.
#1)Pick your true enemy.
#2)Kill him.
Iraq was not our true enemy. Our true enemy attacked us on 11 SEPT 2001. They did number #1 for us. Our job is to complete #2.
Mr. Obama’s comments do not mean he wants the USA defenseless. He does want the USA to not waste money on weapons that are not used. We all recognize the need for retaining nuclear weapons as a deterrent. But what some of us do not recognize is that our resources are limited and they must be allocated wisely. Have we done so? Hell no. Does Mr. Obama want us to? Based on his comments, I would say yes.
Mark Sternagle
[email protected]
May 29th, 2008 at 11:56 pm
47We are at war. We need to fight the right enemy and do it the right way because we have to win. Our enemy was not Iraq, but the attackers on 11 Sept 01. Fighting the right way means maximizing our strength through coalitions, augmenting Iraqi infrastructure, and soliciting the civilian population.
In my view of his comments, Mr. Obama recommends the intelligent allocation of our limited resources for winning the war and keeping our nation strong. How this can be viewed as making our nation defenseless is truly beyond me.
SPC Mark Sternagle
[email protected]
What Obama plans for our military - he speaks out here - Trackpads Community
May 31st, 2008 at 1:00 pm
48[...] What Obama plans for our military - he speaks out here This is Obama speaking — not just a quotation. You may want to read some of the blogs that follow. This is an uninterrupted 51-second video of Obama speaking; he’s telling us exactly what he will do to the military…watch it before this too is removed offthe web site. * Obama plans to disarm America*by*Macsmind <http://www.macsmind.com/wordpress/2008/02/27/obama-plans-to-disarm-america> __________________ "… when two or three are gathered in my name …" - Join us in prayer. All faiths welcome (Click below) http://www.trackpads.com/forum/group…iscussion.html MOTM, Jan 2005, Aug 2007 Golden Cookie Award, 2005. Aug 2006 Perv of the Month Perv. Outreach Award, 2007 [...]
Obama plans to disarm America
June 1st, 2008 at 10:45 am
49[...] Â Quote http://www.macsmind.com/wordpress/2008/02/27/obama-plans-to-disarm-america [...]
June 3rd, 2008 at 12:24 pm
50I guess I really don’t get the connection between having a strong national defense and a totally belligerent foreign policy as a way of achieving world peace. And it will only stay the way it is now if McCain is elected. By the way, where did he get the idea that we’re better off economically than we were when Bush took office?
Obama…Preaching EVIL! at Desert Conservative
June 3rd, 2008 at 1:55 pm
51[...] In a strange video address intended to somehow reassure American voters regarding his military bona fides, Senator Obama ends up doing just the opposite. [...]
June 3rd, 2008 at 2:43 pm
52Excuse me, but since when does belligerence bring world peace? And since when does reining in out-of-control military spending amount to disarmament?
June 4th, 2008 at 1:03 am
53I actively work in the field of anti-terrorism. Read into this whatever political viewpoint you like, but these are unequivocal facts. We are at war. War was declared on us over 10 years ago. No matter what military decisions we make, we will be attacked by believers of this Muslim sect for the next 90 years. We are in, militarily invested, heavily in cost of soldiers and money, in Iraq and Afghanistan. No matter the reason we got there, we are there now and the same people fighting our troops in those regions would happily be bombing our Navy, military barracks, Embassies, and ever the very soil we live on if we were not in Iraq or Afghanistan.
Our enemy believes that they are following God’s (Allah) word and will not deviate from His edict. That means they must drive us from their soil, first, before completing the ultimate goal of a world under Sharia law and Muslim control. There is a map on the internet with color codes for every country in the world. The green colors signify the countries that are currently controlled by Muslims. The yellow countries, like France, are ones that the radicals believe could be taken with out much of a fight. The red countries are the ones that the radicals know they will have a difficult time overthrowing. Currently only the United States and Great Britain are the only nations color coded red.
If we stop fighting them on foreign soil, we may temporarily stop the loss of life and expenses of war. How much money did 9-11 cost us? What did that do to our economy? How many attacks on our soil do you think we can withstand before there is no longer a way of life that we enjoy now? Pick your battle ground. They have.
By leaving Iraq and Afghanistan without the infrastructure and government needed to keep the radicals at bay we invite those countries to be breeding grounds for more terrorists to opening train and receive funding with one ultimate goal in mind.
“curmudgeon†mentioned in his/her post that, “We have succeeded in strengthening Iraq’s position in the region by ‘democratizing’ Iraq which had a Shiite majority, and thereby weakening the position of our friends in the mid-East including Saudi Arabia, a Sunni country.â€
It is a majority of Saudi born Sunni’s that were amongst the 19 hijackers and the leadership of Al Queda. The Sunni’s are the biggest threat as far as contributing to the terrorist ranks.
As far as nuclear weapons go, when was the last time our country increased our nuclear stockpile. The United States nuclear arsenal has remained almost unchanged in 20 years. Anyone who thinks we can eliminate nuclear weapons is living in fantasy land. That is equally ridiculous as telling all United State’s citizens to relinquish your firearms and there will be no more gun violence. The genie is out of the bag. Iran is working toward creating an operating nuclear weapon. Have you seen the rhetoric coming from the leader of that country? “The Iranian president predicted on Monday that Muslims would uproot “satanic powers” and repeated his controversial belief that Israel will soon disappear.†That would be the United States that he refers to as the “Satanic Powersâ€.
The United States is not the only weapon developer in the world. The European’s will continue to develop weapons and those weapons will surpass our current technology if we abandon development. Will our enemies hesitate to attack us if they are holding superior technology or firepower?
I agree with the earlier posting on the theory of war. 1. Identify your enemy. 2. Destroy them.
You pursue your enemy to their doorstep and punch them in the face. You don’t retreat to your own home, hide and hope no one comes knocking.
Nightly Ramble: Making Americans vulnerable, Have a drink on me, wipe-out, more. | BitsBlog
June 4th, 2008 at 3:22 pm
54[...] From Boortz, a vid of Obama telling us how he wants to disarm America. Apparently, he hasn’t leaned the lessons of Viginia Tech. Disamring people is only going to make situations like that worse… and there’s a lot of nutjobs waiting in the wings. Seems to me this suggests a backward approach to foriegn policy, as well. [...]
June 5th, 2008 at 1:32 am
55This video is convincing me to support him.
We have wasted our resources on these endless arms races
and the trigger alert needs to be pulled off.
We can be smart about defense without breaking the bank.
June 5th, 2008 at 2:52 am
56I stayed up way past my bedtime to read every one of the comments! Frankly, I’m concerned! The only person running for the office of president that’s not a wasted vote and stands for America and the constitution of this republic wasn’t even mentioned once! We are in deep trouble if any of the three well known candidates get elected! Ron Paul answered all the questions right during his run! A taxi driver told me: The problem isn’t between the people, it’s the media and government! The sooner the people understand that the better! As for me and my household, we will serve THE LORD! I WILL PENCIL IN RON PAUL FOR PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES at the general election! I know many others that will also! Vote on principals not poles! Take a stand if you have courage(like our founding fathers did)and vote for our country not the status-quo!If our country still exists next election, I’ll pencil in Yahshua’s name! that’s the only salvation for this world!!!!! God Bless! Les Fraim
June 5th, 2008 at 11:15 am
57Have any of you read the Left Behind series of religious fiction books by T. Lahay? I know they are “fiction”, but Obama seriously sounds alot like the Anti-Christ character in these books. I don’t know who I will vote for, but it will not be Obama! I don’t care much for McCain, but it is looking like he is the better candidate at this point.
Obama is just INSANE to think this would work!!!
June 6th, 2008 at 1:05 am
58While suturing a cut on the hand of a 75 year old Texas rancher, whose hand was caught in a gate while working cattle, the doctor struck up a conversation with the old man. Eventually the topic got around to Obama and his bid to be our President.
The old rancher said, ‘Well, ya know, Obama is a ‘post turtle’.’
Not being familiar with the term, the doctor asked him what a ‘post turtle’ was. The old rancher said, ‘When you’re driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that’s a ‘post turtle’.’
The old rancher saw a puzzled look on the doctor’s face, so he continued to explain. You know he didn’t get up there by himself, he doesn’t belong up there, he doesn’t know what to do while he is up there, and you just wonder what kind of a dumb a$ put him up there to begin with.’
June 6th, 2008 at 9:18 am
59I hope and pray that America wakes up and does not allow that man to be our president. Whats even worse…If Hilary is his running mate, we will be completely and totally ruined. Yes, I agree that people take advantage of weapons, but we need then and all the rest that hes planning to take away — to fight against people like him!!!!!
June 6th, 2008 at 11:50 pm
60Thinking Obama is a Manchurian candidate secretly intent on bringing down the country from the top is as far-fetched as believing Cheney, Wolfowitz, et al orchestrated 9/11 to get an excuse to go all Midieval on the Mid East and clamp down on civil liberties at home.
It’s all fringe nuttiness that ain’t helping us figure out how to work together and fix our messes.
I’ll start: How about as long as gays don’t get to marry who they love, us heterosexuals aren’t allowed to get divorced. Fair enough? Okay, next problem. Who’s got one?
June 7th, 2008 at 12:01 pm
61Obama is “The Beast from the East” he will bury the USA.
Please DO NOT vote for him!! Pray to God thst he will be defeated..
June 7th, 2008 at 12:09 pm
62Lets disarm Obama,the man is not all there & for sure he is anti-American..God Bless America & her Troops!!!
June 7th, 2008 at 12:13 pm
63Please Obama go away!! You will not defend the USA or our Troops,so just go away & live in Iraq..
God Bless America & her Troops..
June 9th, 2008 at 4:25 pm
64This election will be the one of the first I have voted in. I’m still deciding who to for for, but after reading all of these, I am beginning to feel that we are becoming the extremists. Part of our problem is people are not focused on what is important. Someone in this blog attacked someone else for not spellchecking….really and him being assasinated? Have we lost sight? If everyone would look at the big picture, Obama is 1/2 Christian and 1/2 Muslim. He practices Christianity. Why are we under the impression that he is in cahoots with leaders of the middle east? Did I miss something in the video? It sounded like he had a solution for using overspending on a nonsense war into real issues, like healthcare. I know I’m pretty green in politics, but I wonder if its not us making the problems for ourselves.
June 9th, 2008 at 5:38 pm
65sorry i didn’t spell check or proof read, hope the message is still clear!
June 9th, 2008 at 10:35 pm
66This seems OK with me. We really can’t afford to buy a zillion planes that cost $170 million each.
I think SECDEF Gates is on the same page as Obama.
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